Goal Setting In the New Year

Goal Setting In the New Year

From the Desk of Aly B.

Goal Setting in the New Year

 Just hours after we celebrated the kick-off to 2024, I noticed my social media feed(s) filled with images, memes, blogs, podcasts, and suggestions regarding GOAL SETTING. Like many I started to dive in. Should I make a vision board? Should I commit my goals to a journal? Should I jump in on a Zoom on how to improve goal setting skills? Am I the type to “dream big”? Honestly, it all got a bit overwhelming. I started to feel frightened by words such as “measurable”, “metrics”, and “analytics”- when all we really want to do is be inspired and motivated to start anew.

I decided to keep it simple, just like play. Play is really a simple way for young children to learn about the world and themselves. It helps them develop imagination, creativity, emotional strength, and establish relationships with others. All these things that we learn as children eventually lead us towards setting goals not only for the new year, but for life.

So, my focus this year for Growing Sound Play and Learn is just 5 things. I know they are all broad in scope, but in my heart, they are all attainable, and will probably be goals I can carry on for every year thereafter.

  1. Learn something.
  2. Meet someone.
  3. Create something.
  4. Encourage someone.
  5. Celebrate something.

Learn. Meet. Create. Encourage. Celebrate. Something or Someone. It’s a New Day. There must be a million ways to celebrate a New Day.

Of course, if you ever want to drop us a note you can do so via email, or through our contact page. We welcome your feedback, comments, collaborations, and encouragement. info@gsplayandlearn.com

Happy New Year.


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