General FAQ

  • What is social-emotional learning? 

Social-emotional learning is the process of developing self-awareness, self-control and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life success. Teaching these skills with a positive focus, as early as birth, provides an important foundation for lifelong learning, development, and mental well-being.

  • Growing Sound Play and Learn products are appropriate for what ages?

The focus of our mission is to introduce products for three different age categories Birth-2, 3-6, and 6-8. However, many products cross over these various age categories. Parents and caregivers can use their best judgement in selecting products that they feel will make the best impact on the child.

  • How is Growing Sound Play and Learn different from other websites that feature products for children?

We are the first to admit that we cannot compete with other popular, large-scale retail sites. But what makes us different is that we curate products from all size manufacturers (especially smaller independents) with careful consideration and that the products we select fit our mission. We take the time to learn the research that supports the products we choose, and that we always have a Growing Sound coordinating song to match the product.

  • How does Growing Sound Play and Learn “give back” to the community?

One of our favorite songs from Growing Sound is a song called “I See It, I Say It (My Attitude of Gratitude) from the Feeling Positive Music CD. We are always exploring ways to “give back” to our communities to express our gratitude. This may be a school fundraiser, a special discount code, a community concert, or a product donation. As a matter of fact, just by signing up for our e-newsletter we are happy to send you a FREE Digital Sampler featuring 8 award-winning songs featuring David Kisor and Friends. Just fill out the form on the bottom of our Homepage.

Have any other questions for us? Just drop us a note at